
This is the user manual of the Urban Health Impact Assessment Tool (upthat). It focusses on using the tool via an interactive web application, currently hosted at For more advanced documentation, see the scenarios report and the adaptation manual.

User interface

The user interface (UI) shown below has four main components:

  • Interactive map: this allows the user to zoom, pan and even tilt the city, using controls that are documented in the mapdeck R package (Cooley 2019)
  • City: this is used for changing cities
  • Scenarios: this dropdown menu allows users to choose from a range of pre-specified scenarios
  • Mode: selecting different modes from this dropdown menu reveals estimated flows of that mode on the road network


The two main outputs of the tool, for a given scenario, are:

  1. Estimates of where active transport levels are likely to be highest
  2. Estimates of the health impacts of different scenarios (work in progress)

Running upthat locally

Upthat is a fully open and reproducible web application. You can reproduce it on your computer on a local installation of R as follows:


Cooley, David. 2019. Mapdeck: Interactive Maps Using ’Mapbox Gl Js’ and ’’.